High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Singapore, October 27th, will Bring Together the most Influential High-Frequency and Quantitative Trading Audience for an Evening of Networking and Cocktails at Molly Roffey's Irish Pub, in the International Factors Building
New York, NY -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/25/2011 -- Golden Networking is inviting this Thursday October 27th the most lively audience of high-frequency and quantitative trading professionals to mingle at High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, http://hfthappyhoursingapore.eventbrite.com, in the famous Molly Roffey's Irish Pub, legendary hangout at the heart of Singapore’s business and financial district. High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour, featured in The Wall Street Journal, congregates high-frequency (and some low-frequency too) traders, quants, managers, investors and key decision makers for evenings of networking and cocktails.
Presently, high frequency traders in Asia are at a disadvantage compared to their brethren around the world due to exchange places that charge hefty transaction fees.
High-frequency traders typically operate by pushing out a large number of tiny orders at extremely high speed to profit from price inefficiencies, with research showing that a high-frequency trader would not hold a position open for more than a few seconds. In a report for The Business Times, Jamie Lee says the pressure is on for Asian exchanges, including Singapore Exchange (SGX), to lower trading fees that currently would cost high- frequency traders more than a pretty penny.
Exchanges have been upgrading their technology platforms but have not gone far enough to attract such traders, said panelists at Terrapinn's World Exchange Congress Asia yesterday.
'The exchanges are in general moving towards much higher performances,' said Robert Smith, managing director of high- frequency trading firm Getco Asia, who is currently evaluating a dark pool set- up in Asia. 'But the fees of trading is a significant interference.'
SGX charges a clearing fee of four basis points on the value for most contracts, or a maximum of $600.
High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Singapore is produced by Golden Networking (http://www.goldennetworking.net), the premier networking community for business executives, entrepreneurs and investors. Upcoming Golden Networking's Forums and Business Receptions include:
• High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Chicago (http://hfthappyhourchicago.eventbrite.com), August 23, Chicago
• High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Hong Kong (http://hfthappyhourhongkong.eventbrite.com), August 25, Hong Kong
• High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour Singapore (http://hfthappyhoursingapore.eventbrite.com), August 25, Singapore
• China Happy Hour New York (http://www.ChinaHappyHour.com), August 30, New York
• Public Finance Leaders Forum 2011 New York, "Navigating Uncharted Territories After S&P's U.S. Debt Downgrade from its Gilt-Edged AAA Credit Rating" (http://www.PublicFinanceLeadersForum.com), September 9, New York
• High-Frequency Trading Happy Hour New York (http://www.hfthappyhour.com), September 13, New York City
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Hong Kong , "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumhongkong.eventbrite.com), September, 19-21, Hong Kong
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Chicago, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumchicago.eventbrite.com), October 3-5, Chicago
• China Leaders Forum 2011 New York, "How American Companies Can Plug into the Chinese Rocket-Propelled Economy?" (http://www.ChinaLeadersForum.com), October 7, New York
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Sao Paulo, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumsaopaulo.eventbrite.com), October 24-26, Sao Paulo, Brazil
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 Singapore, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World" (http://hftleadersforumsingapore.eventbrite.com), November 13-15, Singapore
Golden Networking has compiled the insights of top experts and industry practitioners and produced DVD Video Packages for its Leaders and Experts Forums, including:
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2011 DVD Video Package, "How Speed Traders Leverage Cutting-Edge Strategies in the Post-Flash Crash World", http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com
• High-Frequency Trading Experts Workshop DVD Video Package, "Practical Implementation of High-Frequency Trading Strategies", http://www.HFTExpertsWorkshop.com
• 2nd China Leaders Forum DVD Video Package, "Is the Chinese Dragon Poised for Global Dominance or Economic Implosion?", http://www.ChinaLeadersForum.com
• Distressed Investing Experts Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Analyzing and Valuing Distressed Companies, Securities and Real Estate", http://www.DistressedInvestingExpertsForum.com
• Derivatives Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Strategies for Increasing Profits under an Evolving Regulatory Framework", http://www.DerivativesLeadersForum.com
• High-Frequency Trading Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Innovating and Profiting from High-Frequency Trading in 2010 and Beyond", http://www.HFTLeadersForum.com
• Hedge Funds Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Generating Alpha in Challenging Times", http://www.HedgeFundsLeadersForum.com
• High-Frequency Trading Experts Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Starting and Running a High-Frequency Trading Operation", http://www.HFTExpertsForum.com
• Distressed Investing Leaders Forum 2010 DVD Video Package, "Extraordinary Opportunities Investors Cannot Afford to Pass", http://www.DistressedInvestingLeadersForum.com
• China Leaders Forum 2009 DVD Video Package, "Addressing the Challenges Posed by the Present Wave of Chinese Globalization", http://www.ChinaLeadersForum.com
• Distressed Investing Leaders Forum 2009 DVD Video Package, "The Most Comprehensive Guide for Any Investor in Distressed Assets", http://www.DistressedInvestingLeadersForum.com
Panelists, speakers and sponsors are invited to contact Golden Networking by sending an email to info@goldennetworking.net. Golden Networking has been frequently featured in the press, including recent articles in The Wall Street Journal, "Happy Hour for High-Frequency Trading", The New York Times, "Golden Networking Helps Job Seekers Make Overseas Connections", Los Angeles Times, "Speed-addicted traders dominate today's stock market", Reuters, "Revamp looms as trading experts huddle at SEC" and Columbia Business School's Hermes Alumni Magazine, "10 Under 10".