ScriptBully Magazine

The Craft of Screenwriting Demystified - New Book Offers Screenwriters a Path to Success

Former screenplay reader, Michael Rogan, shares the secrets to successful and marketable screenwriting in his new how-to guide.


San Diego, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/22/2014 -- According to Michael Rogan, author of the new paperback book "Screenwriting Made Stupidly Easy," everybody dreams of being a world-famous, and well-paid, screenwriter.

"Most everybody has watched some crappy movie in the theatre and thought 'I can write better than this schlock,'" says Rogan.

And then the doubt creeps in: "I never went to film school. I don't know anybody in the film business. Hell, I don't even know what a screenplay is supposed to look like."

But Rogan, a former screenwriter and Hollywood reader, believes right now is the best time ever for writers to break into the film business.

"The whole film and TV development world is crazy. Like some weird zombie apocalypse where producers wander the countryside looking for stories...and/or brains."

And it's this belief that writers have an actual puncher's chance at seeing their words up on the screen that inspired him publish the ScriptBully collection: "Screenwriting Made Stupidly Easy."

Rogan hopes it provides a no-nonsense, practical guide to aspiring writers to master the craft of screenwriting - and even possibly get their screenplay sold.

"I went to film school, so I know it can be a fun, fantastic way to blow through fifty-thousand dollars," says Rogan. "But for those who don't have the time (or money) to spend four years on learning screenwriting, I tried to give them a Reader's Digest version."

The book gathers the entire ScriptBully collection into one paperback volume. "Mostly so my wife could see what the hell I've been doing the last two years."

But ultimately, Rogan hopes that it helps would-be screenwriters inch ever closer to a full-time screenwriting career.

"If I can help reduce the amount of action-figure movies and board-game franchises out there, then I will have considerd a good day at the office."

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ScriptBully magazine is an inbox magazine devoted to helping screenwriters write well and get paid. For your FREE copy of the new eBook "7 Secrets to a Kick-Ass and Marketable Screenplay" head over to ScriptBully and grab your FREE copy today!