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UK's Greenway Entertainment Seeks Rights for Worldwide Distribution of Detective Thriller "Hidden Agenda"


Valley Village, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/29/2014 -- This summer, a new detective thriller is going to be distributed through Greenway Entertainment in the UK and Worldwide on VOD.

Currently, Greenway Entertainment, a popular UK film distributor, is leading negotiations with Pain Productions for a VOD Worldwide release of their detective thriller in 2015 starring Hans Hernke. The official Orlando premiere of "Hidden Agenda" is scheduled for March 21st, 2015 at the Enzian Theater.

The film was shot in different areas of Orlando and Madison, Florida, with the direction of Aaron Warren from Pain Productions, who is the film's writer and producer as well.

"Hidden Agenda" is about Detective Matthews, a troubled detective, who works with a new partner on an extremely tough case. The problems include a kidnapper and a serial killer on the loose in Miami, Fl. Matthews tries to solve the case and save the life of a kidnaped victim while the time is quickly running out, and his mental state and the entire world around him begins to crumble away.

Aaron Warren, producer and director of the film, is happy for the interest that his film has provoked in distributors, like Greenway Entertainment. According to him, this shows that the film "is not just a script", but a real story that is going to be well liked by a wide audience.

Hans Hernke has already worked with Greenway Entertainment's owner, Steven M. Smith, on other films, like the upcoming "The Jaakhin", "Haunted", and "The Perfect House". Here is what he says about their current project:

"I am thrilled to have Steven come on board this film and very excited to see his company, Greenway Entertainment, interested in distributing "Hidden Agenda" worldwide on VOD next year for everyone to finally see it!"

All of the stars, crew, families, friends, and along with the fans, will be able to see the official Orlando premiere of this detective thriller on Saturday, March 21st, 2015, 12:00pm at the Enzian Theater.

"I am very excited about acquiring the rights to "Hidden Agenda" that we will be releasing in the summer of 2015." says Steven M. Smith of Greenway Entertainment.

To find out more information about "Hidden Agenda", please visit:

"Hidden Agenda" Teaser Trailer:

About "Hidden Agenda"
"Hidden Agenda" is a new detective thriller produced by Hans Hernke, Chase York, Steve Flores, and Laura D' Orsi. It stars actors; Hans Hernke, Cameron Bigelow, Adam Barnett, Vania Berezza, Laura D' Orsi, and Valin Brenwen. The film is written and directed by Aaron Warren. Steven M. Smith and Aaron Warren serve as Executive Producers on the film.

Hans Hernke
c/o Pain Productions
Valley Village, CA 91607
Phone: 818-468-9693
E-mail: ActorHans223 at