Speedy Gas

'Boiler on Prescription' Scheme to Be Introduced in UK – Speedy Gas Comments


London, England -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/02/2015 -- Speedy Gas, a provider of boilers and plumbing services in London, have reacted to the announcement that GPs could be allowed to prescribe boilers and insulation to patients in a state of fuel poverty.

Ed Davey, Energy and Climate Change Secretary, is believed to be set to announce to the public a £3m purse to be used to create a new scheme in England.

The scheme would see NHS doctors given the power to prescribe boilers and insulations 'on prescription', helping patients who are fuel-poor and whose diseases are being aggravated by the fact they're living in cold homes.

It's believed that cold weather costs the NHS something to the tune of £1.5bn a year, making worse a number of conditions, including lung diseases, asthma, and even some mental health conditions. Additionally, statistics suggest that roughly 10,000 people in the UK die each year in winter as a consequence of cold homes.

Davey explained: "Talking to GPs and other health professionals, they get frankly fed up when they're just dealing with the symptoms and not the root causes. This all costs money, huge amounts of money, dealing with the blooming symptoms. I want to deal with the root causes. Why hasn't this been done before? I am absolutely furious that people have not done this before.

"For me, this is a no brainer. But I want to create the evidence from the research and from the pilots to show this is a complete no brainer."

Speedy Gas, a company in the UK who offer boiler related services, say such a scheme could help to protect some of the country's most vulnerable – especially in winter months.

A representative for the London-based company said: "We've all heard in recent years about the rising number of people in fuel poverty so it's good to see the government act on the issue and help people who don't have the money stay heated at home. If ill people are costing the NHS so much each year because they don't have the necessary heating in their home, it only makes sense to provide them with boilers and other solutions.

"A well heated home in the winter months has a number of health benefits. As a boiler installation specialist we know first-hand the importance of staying warm when it's freezing cold outside and we look forward to seeing this scheme progress."

About Speedy Gas
Speedy Gas is one of the capital's top providers of boiler, central heating and plumbing services. They cover North, NW, East and Central London, and surrounding districts.

For more information about their products and services, visit http://www.speedygaslondon.co.uk

PR Contact:
Company name: Speedy Gas
Tel: 07817288668
Website: http://www.speedygaslondon.co.uk
Contact person: Peter Stachon
Email: info@speedygaslondon.co.uk
Address: 12 John Keats Lodge
Chase Side Crescent