Diligently researched and crafted by Soren Sagan, ‘The Bible Is Not Great: The Truth About The Bible, Religion And God’ cuts through the misconception that atheism is based on immorality – instead exposing its innate foundation of a love for humanity. At the same time, Sagan pokes holes in the most iconic and fundamental stories in the Bible, exposing some of the world’s biggest religions as mere myths. It’s a compelling volume one critic has hailed as “food for reflective thought”.
Toronto, ON -- (SBWIRE) -- 04/27/2015 -- The debate between believers and non-believers has shaped everything from history and society to some of humanity's most brutal wars. While the arguments are seemingly never ending, those calling themselves atheists often suffer the worst backlash from those who have chosen to dedicate their lives to a supreme being.
Canada's Soren Sagan is on a mission to prove that atheists are not molded by self-indulgence, but instead by their sheer love of the world and its people. In 'The Bible Is Not Great: The Truth About The Bible, Religion And God', he bares all. In short, God and religion is all false.
Atheism often gets a bad reputation. Through his book, Sagan shows atheism in a new light. Atheism, though commonly thought to be full of immorality, is not about self indulgence at all. It is about the love of humanity itself, without belief in a creator.
Not only does Sagan show the morality and superiority of atheism, but he presents compelling arguments for its case. Beginning with the world's first religions and animism and ending with the three major religions today (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), he explains how all these myths were created and why. He pokes holes in the most iconic and fundamental stories in the Bible, leaving little room for doubt in the mind of the reader of the falseness of these stories. Many of these myths were copied or adapted directly from the so-called pagans, such as Sumerians and Indians, who followers of the Bible called immoral heathens.
One of the most interesting aspects of his argument to me was his reasoning behind why the Bible was written, both the Old and New Testament. Once you read his explanation for the Bible's creation, you will wonder how you didn't see it before. Using nothing but logic and his knowledge of history, Sagan debunks the most believed myths in the world. From trying to explain natural phenomena to territorial disputes over sought after land, religion has been a tool for humanity. Sagan suggests it is a tool no longer needed.
The most difficult part for believers in religion to accept will be his perception of the evils and dangers of religion. The author shows how harmful religion has been to humanity throughout history and warns of future wars it may result in as well. Religion, though born from trying to explain natural phenomena we didn't understand and wishful thinking of a better life after death, has since been used to conquer territories and oppress other races, classes, and women. Though his views may shock the devoted religious, his arguments are hard to dispute. Believers in religion may argue that, without religion, we would not have a sense of morality and would kill each other off. However, Sagan would argue that more people have been killed in the name of religion than for any other reason. God is not our source of morality. It is in ourselves.
He presents an alternative to religion that has been growing in society for some time – science. Not only has science answered questions that religion was originally invented to explain, but it continues to make new discoveries daily. Science truly is the future, not religion. If you are currently a believer in a religion, Sagan's book may help you see your religion in a new light and start a new thinking process.
"There's no possible way I can sugarcoat it; religion is the predominant source of hatred, discord and conflict in the world," admits Sagan. "I am out to show, through reputable research and fact, that the entire concept of religion and God is in fact false. This means that we're essentially fighting for something that doesn't even exist."
Continuing, "It all started with mythology; a false science of the ancients that became the source of all modern religions as well. It's vital that humanity as a whole fosters a deep and meaningful understanding of nature and the sciences, and it's time we made religion totally obsolete in the world of education. We'll all be much better off for it."
Readers agree, leaving a slew of positive reviews. One Amazon user comments, "Tells it like it is. These are the ideas we have all struggled with as believers and finally there is somebody willing to put it all out there. Once you accept this material you can no longer believe in the Christian answer and you will start to deconvert. Read it at your own risk."
Richard J. Goscicki adds, "Carl Sagan stated that we need a religion based on the revelation of science. Soren picks up this theme and runs with it. After spending a few chapters explaining why that old time religion has failed us and has to go due to blatant errors and logical inconsistencies, Soren wastes no time explaining why science is the key to humanity's future spirituality."
'The Bible Is Not Great: The Truth About The Bible, Religion And God' is available now: http://amzn.to/1DgixI9
About Soren Sagan
Soren Sagan lives in Toronto, Canada where he runs a software business aided by his bachelor's degree in computer science. Born in 1977, he is now 38 years old, but has been studying scriptures and science since he learned to read. In high school, he began questioning the religious beliefs he grew up with and began thinking of god as the concept of energy he learned about in science class. Soon after, he came to the conclusion that energy did not need to be personified, and became an atheist. His scientific and historical research not only led to his disbelief in the god he was taught to worship, but also caused him to be disturbed by the violence and corruption in the world enacted in the name of religion. He concluded that, not only was religion untrue, but it was harmful to humanity and society. He then made it his goal to trace religions to their sources in mythology and debunk them as false astrotheology and philosophy. He believes that the future of the world will be bright when religion becomes obsolete. That is why he dedicated his time and attention to writing a book that would enlighten others to his positive views on atheism and humanity.