Consumer Action Law Group

Auto Fraud Lawyer Sues Car Dealerships That Rip off Buyers

The auto fraud lawyer at Consumer Action Law Group is dedicated to identifying illegal practices performed by car dealership. They sue car dealerships on contingency, at no cost to the car owner.


Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/05/2015 -- Purchasing a new vehicle can be a difficult process, especially when you are forced to deal with dishonest car dealerships that attempt to hide the history or the true extent of the damage on the vehicles they sell. For those that do not have the proper auto fraud lawyer by their side could end up taking home a car that is seriously damaged and dangerous, or paying more than the advertised price.

Car dealerships often try to keep their customers from finding out the truth about the cars they are selling. For dealers desperate to make a sale for as much profit as possible, past accidents and frame damage are typically not disclosed. The auto fraud attorneys at Consumer Action Law Group sue car dealerships for deceptive and dishonest business practices.

The auto fraud lawyers at Consumer Action Law Group have several years of experience dealing with cases against car dealers and they know what it takes to get consumers money back from a dishonest car dealership. When a buyer does not know the full extent of the damages their new vehicle has suffered in the past, this can cause them to get into an accident later.

For example, a person may purchase a car that has been in a prior accident or has severe frame damage. When a car's structural integrity is compromised, the driver is far more vulnerable to accidents. In a defective car, the brake lines may stop working all of a sudden, or the car's turning radius may be unable to handle sharp corners.

Not only is the innocent buyer at risk of getting into a car accident, but many car buyers get seriously hurt in accidents and need to hire an auto fraud lawyer that will seek compensation for personal injuries. Car dealerships are typically unsympathetic to the plight of their customers once they have driven the car off the lot, most buyers cannot resolve their problems without hiring a lawyer.

Many problems are predictable when buying a car, so it is important for buyers to read the terms of the agreement before signing a contract. Buyers should ask the dealer directly about the frame of the vehicle and whether the dealer knows if the car has been in an accident already. When dealers are honest, it helps buyers to avoid having to sue car dealerships at a later date. For individuals that bought a car without having a mechanic inspect it first, it is a very good idea to ask the service department about the condition of the vehicle the next time it is in for repairs.

Auto dealer fraud is a serious issue and the laws in California help consumers to arm themselves with high powered auto fraud lawyers that will take a stand against car dealers that rip off car buyers. In California, an auto dealer is required by law to tell car buyers about any past damage to the vehicle and must sell the car for the price that was advertised.

Any car buyers that have experienced auto fraud, or have been in an accident as a result of a defective car, should immediately call and talk an auto fraud lawyer from Consumer Action Law Group to discuss the case. The auto fraud lawyer at Consumer Action Law Group will fight for the rights of car buyers to make sure that they receive the justice they deserve. Individuals should call and discuss their case today, the call is free and the results are usually very good for the buyer: 818 254 8413

Consumer Action Law Group law firm is open from 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM, Monday through Friday. For more information about their services, visited

About Consumer Action Law Group
Consumer Action Law Group is a law firm dedicated to help consumers in consumer-related matters or consumers that experienced fraud and scam. Attorneys in the team are knowledgeable and experienced in the areas of eliminating debt, mortgages fraud, auto fraud, and foreclosures. They have direct experience in consumer fraud matters and helping consumers who are facing financial crisis, foreclosure, issues with employers, and problems with auto dealers.

For Media Contact:
Contact Person: Lauren Rode, Esq.
Telephone: 818-254-8413