Sherman Oaks, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/19/2015 -- Answering questions for a small group of reporters, Bill Greenberg shared informationhe delivered at National Convention in Los Angeles earlier this year. Bill who is often quoted in magazines, web articles and professional technical periodicals is a National Computer Technology Expert. At this press conference Bill shared important information about the changes in today's technology requirements and he highlighted a question he was asked by hundreds of convention attendees during the course of the convention weekend. It was a very simple and straight to the point question, "What do you look for in a good computer technician and what skills should they possess?".
"Although the question seemed simple and straight forward, my answer was not," replied Bill. "Computer technicians are similar to general practitioners in the medical field. There is the doctor you visit if you have a cold and another if your heart keeps stopping. Computer technicians received different levels of training and have a specific skill-set. They have to be used just like the medical specialist
Like doctors, the general public have a tendency to lump people who work in information technology fields together but as with medicine, there are distinct disciplines. Major disciplines in the IT industry include:
**Electronic Engineers – These are the over the top highly trained people who apply theory to design. They visualize the next steps in computer technology, oddly enough they may soon be obsolete since computers are building computers better than humans build computers. Kind of similar to doctor heal thy self.
**Programmers – Responsible for designing and creating software.
**Computer Scientists – They conduct research to expand the theoretical limits of computing. They are the most highly trained and skilled in our industry.
**Technical Support – These are the men and woman who answer the phone when you call the support line. It is probably the least skilled of our disciplines but possibly the most computer knowledgeable and they have one of the toughest jobs answering question often times from people who do not actually know the correct question to ask. Tech Support are the first line of defense in the computer technology field.
**Web Designers – Highly skilled programmers, network administrators and artists, all at the same time.
**Computer Technician – Back to the beginning of this article. The guy or girl who fixes your computer, hands on, there when you need them. The general practitioner.
Clarifying what makes a good day to day office technician was the main point Bill wanted to share with his audience. By my definition a good general computer technician fixes, upgrades and configures computers.
Unlike tech support, a computer technician is right on the front line. A broken machine is right in front of him. If you call them into your office to do work for you they are prepared for most immediate problems Often times technicians get a bad rap because bosses ask a computer scientist or a tech support person to do a technicians job only to find the job is not done correctly. If you want the job done right then employ the right technician for the job... it is that simple. A good well rounded computer technician is worth their weight in gold, employers have to choose wisely for the best results.
When interviewing a technician keep in mind a good technician has to be able to think on their feet. The other important skills they must have is patience and consideration because the person with the broken computer is normally at a complete loss and quietly riddled with fear. The good technician understands the person with the broken computer is in somewhat of a meltdown. The melt down is exacerbated by the even bigger issue that looms overhead which is did they just lose all the data they spent hours entering into the computer? If that is not worry enough, for the owner of the business or computer the one question they hate to ask themselves, do they have to buy a new computer for thousands of dollars?
The computer technician is a skilled technical professional and a part-time therapist. A good computer technician is essential to every company and luckily for the technician the one thing they will always have is job security in their field because you can never outsource the guy with the screwdriver.
For additional information please contact: Gary S. Monroe at MERG Digital by phone (310-945-7414),
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To reach Bill Greenberg for additional comments or as a keynote speaker at your event contact Gary Monroe (information above).
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MERG Digital is a local SEO specialist company. They work with small to medium sized companies developing their website and social media converting both into an additional salespersons for your sales team.MERG Digital is proud to share they are one of the very few marketing / PR firms the employ an unmatched processes that guarantee they can get your companies promotional material on the first pages of Google in 24 hours or less. The have testimonials and current clients will to speak on their behalf to verify these processes and guarantees. MERG Digital is a leader in Local SEO.
Gary S. Monroe
MERG Digital