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Foreclosure Attorney at Consumer Action Law Group Is Helping Homeowners Stop Foreclosure Sale Date


Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 06/25/2015 -- Many homeowners struggle to keep up with mortgage payments and fall behind because of sudden job loss or illness. In California, there are several options available to stop a foreclosure. Some of the options to avoid foreclosure are listed below:

Litigation – If there is evidence of illegal foreclosure, a foreclosure attorney can file a lawsuit and stop the foreclosure to save the home from a trustee sale. In California, the most common form of illegal foreclosure is called "Dual Tracking" when the lender does not stop the foreclosure process while reviewing a borrower for a modification.

Filing for Bankruptcy – An experienced bankruptcy attorney can file bankruptcy to immediately stop the foreclosure process and give a homeowner time to catch up with the mortgage payments.  Bankruptcy also eliminates credit card debt and medical bills.

Apply for a loan modification – It is best to apply for a loan modification directly with the lender, or with the help from a non-profit that does not charge for their services. Under the foreclosure laws in California, when a borrower applies for a modification, the foreclosure process must be stopped and suspended until there is a decision.

Short sale – For a borrower willing to walk away from their home, a short sale will typically buy time and stop foreclosure until the lender has made a decision. An experienced foreclosure attorney will discuss options or refer to a specialized real estate agent to help process and negotiate the short sale.

Deed in Lieu – Foreclosure attorneys can negotiate with the lender for an agreement with the lender to stop the foreclosure process and deed the property back to the bank.  A deed in lieu of foreclosure may prevent the lender from claiming any loss.

After missing more than three mortgage payments, lenders have the right to legally foreclose and sell the property to recover their funds. Before the foreclosure process starts, the lender is required by California law to offer foreclosure assistance : The lender cannot legally foreclose if they do not first contact the borrower to discuss alternatives to foreclosure.

In California there are very strong foreclosure laws to help avoid foreclosure. The California Homeowner Bill of rights [SB900], effective in January 2013, protects homeowners from foreclosure while they are modifying their mortgages or waiting for approval of a short sale by the lender. Under the laws in California, mortgage lenders must respect the borrower's rights or face strong penalties, with statutory damages up to $50,000. If the lender is violating the law, a foreclosure attorney can file a lawsuit to stop illegal foreclosure. Once a judge signs the order to stop the sale, the foreclosure cannot go forward. Foreclosure attorneys can advise homeowner regarding different ways to avoid foreclosure and what is the best option to stop foreclosure to save the home.

The foreclosure law in California prohibits "dual tracking", making it illegal for lenders to continue with the foreclosure process when a modification application is pending or a short sale has been approved. When a borrower requests assistance to avoid foreclosure, under the California laws, the lender must provide a single point of communication. In addition, the mortgage lender must communicate with the borrower in writing. It is important for the borrower to keep all emails and letters for any future lawsuits. If the lender violates the law, the borrower can immediately file an injunction and sue for any damages. An experienced foreclosure attorney is the best person to help homeowners with any of these matters.

Any borrower seeking foreclosure assistance should not rely on the lender alone to save their home. The mortgage lender often tells borrowers that everything is going to be ok until the house is sold and it is too late to take legal action to reverse the sale. The Consumer Action Law Group foreclosure lawyers offer free legal advice to borrowers facing foreclosure.

The Consumer Action Law Group bankruptcy attorney can also stop foreclosure immediately by filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is a short term solution, compared to Chapter 13, which allows borrower to catch up on any past due payments in a repayment plan. Before deciding to file bankruptcy, homeowners should talk to a bankruptcy attorney to decide if filing bankruptcy makes sense.

Visit or call 818-245-8413 and learn how to avoid foreclosure.

About Consumer Action Law Group
Consumer Action Law Group is a law firm dedicated to help consumers in consumer-related matters or consumers that experienced fraud and scam. Attorneys in the team are knowledgeable and experienced in the areas of eliminating debt, mortgages fraud, auto fraud, and foreclosures. They have direct experience in consumer fraud matters and helping consumers who are facing financial crisis, foreclosure, issues with employers, and problems with auto dealers.

For Media Inquiries:
Contact Person: Lauren Rode, Esq.
Telephone: 818-254-8413