Self Pub Nation

Getting Published 101: Writer's Guide to Getting Published (Without Losing Your Mind)

Author Michael Rogan reveals in a new column everything he's learned - most of it the hard way - about getting published, getting noticed and getting into a full-time writing career.


San Diego, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 07/08/2015 -- Getting published is one of the first big goals most writers have. (Besides getting their 10th grade English teacher to give them an "A.") And in his new column, "The No B.S. Beginner's Guide to Getting Published," Michael Rogan, author of more than 30 books, offers a simple, no-nonsense guide to help authors navigate their way through the waters of self publishing.

"Getting a book published used to requires years of effort, and approval from the traditional publishing system in New York," says Rogan.

Despite the relative ease of self publishing, with tools such the Amazon Kindle Publishing platform, many writers still aren't sure how the whole process publishing process works.

And how they can turn that process into something that actually makes them money.

"Getting published is not just about getting your one book out to the masses," says Rogan. "It's about realizing your book is many different assets: ebook, audiobook, print book, video course...whatever you like!"

Rogan hopes his new column demystifies the publishing process, not to mention gives even self-publishing veterans a few strategies they can to use to boost their income.

"Most writers are sitting on a goldmine they have yet to tap," says Rogan. "It's my hope the column helps give writers that much-needed gold pan to help them achieve their writing dreams."

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