Los Angeles, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 10/25/2013 -- It is commonly understood that a healthy nutritious diet and exercise will contribute to a longer more fulfilled life, though these are not the only additional elements. There are a number of recommendations that can increase longevity in a person, and while many are easily explained, some may be surprising.
Some not so surprising tips for increased longevity include getting the proper amount of rest the body needs, decreasing the amount of stress in one’s life, avoiding excess consumption of junk food, alcohol, and other indulgences and maintaining a healthy bodyweight. All of these are expected answers when a person asks how they can live longer. But some surprising suggestions include a variety of mental practices, spiritual awareness practices; dental care and mental engagement can also contribute to a longer lifespan.
Poor dental health has been linked to periodontal disease, which can be painful and increase a person’s stress levels. It has also been linked to the development of heart disease, which makes flossing, brushing, and bi-annual dental check-ups a must for anyone concerned with their overall health.
Numerous studies have shown that mental engagement and activity is another component of living longer, and engaging in activities such as meditation or social engagement can increase cognitive function and lead to a longer life. Just 20 minutes of meditation practice per day has been show in to decrease stress and increase immunities in practitioners.
Other studies show engaging in some sort of religious or spiritual practice can provide peace of mind, decreased stress and depression, and improve lifespan in those who believe. Religious or spiritual activities are also a social function, which is another important element of healthy living.
Life is more than just breathing in and breathing out – it is an active process involving both body and mind throughout its course. For a lengthier existence, make the above steps part of a daily routine and enjoy the benefits in a longer, healthier lifespan.
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Expert Performance is a vertically integrated manufacturer of Performance Apparel. We have been making products both domestically and overseas for more than twenty years. Expert has been a leading innovator in the design and development of smart fabric technology to create and manufacture fashionable, high quality, functional garments for the active lifestyle, athletic, and sportswear markets. Our line of basic and specialty products cater to the needs of distributors, decorators, and retailers. We are proud to offer profitable opportunities to you, our partner.
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