
SalesFish Continues to Report Steady Sales Growth for Their Clients

SalesFish’s unique integrated telemarketing services and brand marketing continues to pay off despite difficult economic conditions.


Lake Forest, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/20/2013 -- Telemarketing services are unwelcome to a large percentage of the population who are frustrated by cold-calls from subpar smile and dial telemarketing companies.

The market shows a huge disparity in legitimate telemarketing companies. And finding a great inside sales and telemarketing services organization is like looking for a needle in a haystack. There is no shortage of bamboozlers and slick sales professionals, just waiting to charge high fees, offering no results in return.

SalesFish is adamant about creating a credible outsourced inside sales model for their clients. “We are passionate about building relationships for our customers” says Chris Waszczak, Corporate Development Officer for SalesFish. Sales are about creating relationships with the target market, before a business can earn the right to close. People buy from people they like, and are inconvenienced by so called sales professionals that don’t understand professional sales acumen before making a call.

Unlike many telemarketing firms, SalesFish employs seasoned experienced professionals that treat telemarketing (sales) as their profession and are employed exclusively in the U.S.A., which ensures the relationship factor. Every time a SalesFish sales professional makes a call they truly understand the nuances of the demographic and geographic area they are calling upon. This is why SalesFish has been so successful with their telemarketing services product.

Again, Chris Waszczak declared, “We offer a more integrated marketing and sales approach over other telemarketing companies because we focus on quality not quantity.” We offer business to business sales, direct sales, channel sales and targeted marketing strategies that focus on both marketing and sales working together, and always with a return on investment as the ultimate goal.”

SalesFish also provides appointment setting services as well as pre and post trade event calls to solicit feedback and measure success.

With a range of services this robust it should be no surprise that SalesFish is in demand. SalesFish is thriving despite a sluggish economy; in fact they’ve created over 30 billion dollars in quantifiable sales for their clients.

About SalesFish
SalesFish is a national agency specializing in brand marketing, telemarketing services, event planning, event marketing and digital strategies. For more information, visit