San Francisco, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/22/2023 -- The World is a Crazy ever-changing Place. Don't be Caught Un-PREPARED. THE BE PREPARED EXPO 2023 … Whether one is Preparing for a Natural Disaster, Social Break down or the Zombie Apocalypse. One will Find what they are looking for at the Be Prepared Expo 2023. The Be Prepared Expo 2023, will have everything whether one is a Beginner or a Seasoned Preparer. This Expo will have something incredible and educational for ALL. They expect Over 200 Vendors and 10,000+ in attendance. Major Prizes will be Given away every hour. Come and join us at the Premier Preparation Expo in the country.
WHEN: June 2, 2023 … to June 3, 2023
Day 1: Noon to 8:00 PM
Day 2: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
WHERE: Legacy Event Center 151 South 1100 West, Farmington, Utah 84025
Survivalism is a social movement of individuals or groups (called survivalists or preppers) who proactively prepare for emergencies, including natural disasters, as well as disruptions to social, political, or economic order
"We uniquely provide the highest quality Emergency Preparedness products, along with real-life education, to teach & help every Prep-Survivalist learn how to live safely & comfortably."
— Christopher Turpin, Founder
Top 10 Prepper Sites …
1. The Prepared
2. SHTF Plan
3. Off The Grid News
4. Skilled Survival
5. The Organic Prepper
6. Survival Life
7. Survivalist Boards
8. MDCreekmore.Com
9. Ask A Prepper
10. The Provident Prepper
Prepper Talk Radio is a live broadcast AM Radio talk show about preparedness and survival broadcast weekly from October 2015 to December 2018. Scott Stallings; the founder of PrepperCon, the nation's largest preparedness and survival expo, and Shane Coles; a lifelong prepper, blogger and survival expert co-host the show. Prepping, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, water storage, food storage, firearms, self-defense and mindset are just a few of the many topics discussed with our expert weekly guests. If one is hoping to learn more about the fun and enjoyable side of prepping and emergency preparedness without the doom and gloom (ok, maybe there's a little), look no further than Prepper Talk Radio. Listen live each Friday at 2PM MST on, AM 1640 in SLC, UT., or with the k-talk radio app. New episodes will be uploaded here after each live broadcast.
What is emergency preparedness? The term refers to the steps you take to make sure you are safe before, during and after an emergency or natural disaster. These plans are important for your safety in both natural disasters and man-made disasters. Examples of natural disasters are floods, blizzards, tornadoes, and earthquakes. Man-made disasters can include explosions, fires, chemical and biological attacks. Since the events of September 11, 2001, and more recently, Hurricane Katrina, Americans are more aware of emergencies. According to a 2004 Harris Poll, 96 percent of Americans feel it is important to prepare for emergencies, but less than 20 percent describe themselves as totally prepared.
Special Guest Speakers (Preppers, Survivalists, Conservatives etc.)
Despite guidelines from government organizations and community-based services like the American Red Cross, only 42 percent of Americans have created a personal emergency kit. People with disabilities may be especially vulnerable during and after emergencies. In an emergency, many systems one rely's on may not function as well as they usually do. Familiar landmarks and usual travel routes you and your service animal know may be altered. Utilities like electricity, water, gas, and phone service may be disrupted. One might need to temporarily evacuate to a shelter which may not be fully accessible for your needs. The tips and strategies in this newsletter can help one plan to be prepared for these situations. THE PREMIER EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS EXPO IN THE USA. Whether, Preparing for a Natural Disaster, Social Break Down or the Zombie Apocalypse, everyone will find what they are looking for at the BE PREPARED EXPO 2023.
JUNE 2nd and 3rd … 2023
Legacy Event Center 151 So. 1100 W., Farmington , Utah 84025
prep·per / ?prep?r / … Noun: prepper; plural noun: preppers: A person who believes a catastrophic disaster or emergency is likely to occur in the future and makes active preparations for it, typically by stockpiling food, ammunition, and other supplies … Example: "there's no agreement among preppers about what disaster is most imminent."