Mad About Bingo regularly brings readers news of the latest games and promotions in the world of online bingo and this week is no exception. Every weekend, Brits Bingo has a themed special which gives players the chance to win real cash prizes on exclusive bingo games.
Chester, UK -- (SBWIRE) -- 08/11/2011 -- Mad About Bingo regularly brings readers news of the latest games and promotions in the world of online bingo and this week is no exception. Every weekend, Brits Bingo has a themed special which gives players the chance to win real cash prizes on exclusive bingo games.
The all new Under the Sea themed weekend special is expected to draw in many new members with a plethora of bingo games and jackpot prizes up for grabs. Free bingo is a prevalent theme at Brits Bingo so it is no wonder that this has been incorporated into the Seaside Special.
Players are given the chance to win £5 to spend on bingo games on the site just for answering one simple question. 20 Brits Bingo players will be chosen at random to win the £5 prize which will be credited into their accounts.
Brits Bingo players are invited to dive under the sea for a world of water-themed bingo bonuses. One game within the weekend special offers players the chance to win a £30 jackpot every 15 minutes between8pm and 11pm on Friday to Sunday. The bingo game can be found in the Under the Sea room and to win, players must simply bingo one of the chosen seaside patterns including a fish and turtle.
The Mermaid Pearl slot game is another game which has been added to weekend’s bingo bonanza. The promotion is valid from Thursday to Sunday and the 5 players who win the most will get a £25 real money bonus.
Players are invited to enjoy the treats that Brits Bingo has in store during the weekend’s series of under the sea themed games. To find out more about the promotions and games available at Brits Bingo, players should click here.