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South Africa & Australia Mining Fiscal Regime Market H1 2014


Dallas, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 05/15/2014 -- MarketReportsStore.com adds “Australia’s & South Africa’s Mining Fiscal Regime: H1 2014” to its store.

South Africa’s & Australian fiscal regime report outlines governing bodies, governing laws, licenses, rights and obligations and tax-related information on 11 commodities: coal, iron ore, copper, zinc, bauxite, gold, silver, nickel, chromium, manganese and platinum group metals.

South Africa’s Mining Fiscal Regime: H1 2014 @ http://marketreportsstore.com/south-africas-mining-fiscal-regime-h1-2014/ .

South Africa's prolific mineral reserves include precious metals and minerals, energy minerals, non-ferrous metals and minerals, ferrous minerals, and industrial minerals. South Africa has significant mineral resource deposits such as platinum, chromium, coal, iron ore, manganese, nickel, phosphates, tin, diamonds, uranium and platinum. The Department of Mineral Resources is the primary body that formulates and implements mining policy for the exploration, development, utilization, processing and management of mineral resources in the country. The Department of Energy, the National Nuclear Regulator and the Mine Health and Safety Council are other governing bodies involved in the development of the country's mining industry.

The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) formulates and implements mining policy, and also advises ministers on these matters. It ensures the exploration, development, utilization, processing and management of mineral resources in the country.

The Council for Geosciences, introduced through the Geoscience Act 1993, No 100 of 1993 is the national agency expertise in providing earth science information, and is responsible for providing services for the proper management of natural resources and the methodical development and maintenance of the country's geoscience knowledge for South Africa's onshore and offshore environments.

The Council for Mineral Technology (Mintek) was established in terms of the Mineral Technology Act (30 of 1989) provides research, development and technology transfers that promote the business development in the mineral and mineral products industries.

The Mining Qualification Authority (MQA) was established as a result of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) Act 1995, No 58 of 1995. It is the education training authority in the mining and minerals sector, accelerating the provision and administration of skills development for the mining and mineral sector. Act (No 97 of 1998).

The South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator (SADPMR) regulate the diamond and precious metals and minerals industry, and promote beneficiation in the jewelry industry.

Order a purchase copy of South Africa’s Mining Fiscal Regime @ http://marketreportsstore.com/purchase?rname=10152 .

Australia’s Mining Fiscal Regime: H1 2014 @ http://marketreportsstore.com/australias-mining-fiscal-regime-h1-2014/ .

Australia has abundant and diverse natural resources which include extensive coal, iron ore, copper, gold, natural gas, and uranium reserves. The federal and state governments in Australia have separate roles and responsibilities with regards to resource exploration and development. Mineral resources are owned by the Australian or state/territory governments, rather than private individuals.

The report outlines Australia's governing bodies, governing laws, mining rights and obligations and key fiscal terms which includes royalty for the individual states, minerals resource rent tax, corporate income tax, capital gains tax, deductions, depreciation, withholding tax, loss carry forward, loss carry back offset and service and goods tax.

The federal and state governments in Australia have separate roles and responsibilities with regards to resource exploration and development. Mineral resources are owned by the Australian or state/territory governments, rather than private individuals.

The Minerals Council of Australia represents Australia in national and international markets for the exploration, mining and processing of minerals. Its member companies contribute more than 85% of the annual mineral production.

The Department of Industry was established in September 2013. Its main purpose is to increase Australia's economic prosperity and improve productivity, competitiveness, security, and the sustainability of resources.

Geoscience Australia is responsible for generating geoscientific information.

Order a purchase copy of Australia’s Mining Fiscal Regime @ http://marketreportsstore.com/purchase?rname=10157 .

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