The "Cure" Has Failed...Prevention Is Now Critical. Stop Heal Prevent Workshops Offer Breakthrough Prevention and Wellness Programs to Businesses, Employees, Clients and Customers


Anacortes, WA -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/28/2014 -- Cancer prevention has escalated in importance due to recent World Health Organization’s bold statement by Chris Wild, as quoted by BBC News, "If we look at the cost of treatment of cancers, it is spiraling out of control, even for the high-income countries. Prevention is absolutely critical and it's been somewhat neglected." “Prevention has been much more than ‘somewhat neglected’, states Patricia Kelley, Founder of the Stop Heal Prevent Workshops.

Kelley goes on to say, “The focus on the elusive “Cure” all these years has diverted attention from the skyrocketing cases and often preventable causes of cancer. Stop Heal Prevent Workshops offer employers, their employees, clients and customers inspiring, empowering and enlightening prevention programs. It’s time to Power Up Prevention.”

According to the WHO, global cancer rates are expected to nearly double over the next twenty years or so. They are warning that countries around the globe must take immediate action to prevent an impending “tidal wave” of cancer. This means a jump from approximately 14 million to 25 million new cases of cancer every year. The UK’s Guardian has labeled this news a “human catastrophe.”

Breakthrough Stop Heal Prevent Workshops offer participants an upbeat, empowering and educational experience on healing and preventing cancer and other dis-ease using proven, science-supported methods including, but not limited to, the powerful use of maximized nutrition. Kelley is self-healed from breast cancer via natural alternatives. She is also Author of forthcoming book series, How to Stop Heal and Prevent Cancer Naturally: A Mind Body Spirit Approach to Wholeness.

Kelley’s reputation as an empowering speaker and teacher is well supported. According to Barbara Beck, Relationship Coach, “Patricia is engaging, powerful and empowering—all wrapped in humbleness and an unshakable integrity that is quite extraordinary. Her amazing knowledge about natural healing issues and her ‘fire’ to make a difference will inspire, light up and change your life!”

Kelley has also gained the respect of both progressive physicians and significant global health organizations. Two are noted here:

Jen Aliano, Communications & Marketing Director for GrassrootsHealth, a global health research organization, had these very positive things to say about Kelley. “Patricia is an inspiration! She has overcome and transformed frustrations from her own battle with cancer into motivation to educate others and change the way cancer is 'treated' in today's society. She is a great source of information on how to naturally prevent and heal cancer and beyond. I highly recommend utilizing her resources for anyone, at any stage of health.”

Dr. Susanne Wilhelm DO offered this about Kelley’s ability to empower others. “I've watched Patty through the process of cancer diagnosis and healing. She was not content to sit by and let the mainstream wisdom dictate her course of therapy. Through her process she developed a passion to empower those around her to do the same. She shares her wisdom joyously. It flows from every pore of her being and inspires those around her to believe in themselves as well.”

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About Patricia M. Kelley
Patricia M. Kelley is a BIG CHANGES Life and Biz Wholeness Coach, Author, Speaker & Change Catalyst. She speaks, teaches and coaches on How to Stop Heal Prevent Cancer and other Dis-ease. Kelley also offers change-making coaching, Keynotes and workshops on The Purpose Plan and How To Turn Life’s Lessons into Big Money Messages. She is also an experienced emcee, and host of events and fundraisers. Her background includes marketing, PR and large event development and management.

Media Contact:
Patricia M. Kelley
Anacortes, WA
206 391 7707 (cell)