Shareholders Foundation, Inc.

Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund (NASDAQ: TFCIX and NASDAQ:TFCVX) Shareholder Alert: Lawsuit Filed over Losses

A lawsuit was filed on behalf of investors in Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund (NASDAQ: TFCIX and NASDAQ:TFCVX) shares over alleged securities laws violations. Deadline: March 29, 2016. NASDAQ: TFCIX and NASDAQ:TFCVX investors should contact the Shareholders Foundation.


San Diego, CA -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/16/2016 -- A shareholder in shares of Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California over alleged violations of Federal Securities Laws by Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund.

Investors who purchased shares of Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund (NASDAQ: TFCIX and NASDAQ:TFCVX) have certain options and for certain investors are short and strict deadlines running. Deadline: March 29, 2016. NASDAQ: TFCIX investors should contact the Shareholders Foundation at or call +1(858) 779 - 1554.

The plaintiff claims that in violation of the Securities Act of 1933, the prospectuses and registration statements of this fixed income mutual fund contained material false or misleading statements regarding the Fund's liquidity.

The plaintiff says that a key feature of open-end funds is that they allow investors to redeem their shares daily and that funds therefore must maintain assets that are sufficiently liquid to meet shareholder redemptions.

According to the lawsuit, the Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund promised investors that it would place no more than 15% of its assets in illiquid securities, securities that could not be sold promptly at or near its carrying value.

However, the plaintiff claims that an analysis of the Fund's holdings in 2013, 2014, and 2015 has revealed that the Fund consistently held more than 15% of its net assets in illiquid securities and that the Fund's excessive illiquidity meant that it could not promptly sell assets to meet growing redemptions without unloading them at fire sale prices, leading it to suspend redemptions and shut down the Fund on December 10, 2015.

On December 9, 2015, Third Avenue Management, LLC, managers of Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund, announced to shareholders of their intent to halt all redemptions.

Some analysts say that they had to stop redemptions to allow for an orderly liquidation. Following this news, on December 14, 2015, it was reported that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") is looking into the circumstances of the liquidation freeze.

The mutual fund invested in high yielding loans and securities issued by struggling companies. In a 2012 investor commentary a fund manager challenged the illiquidity "myth" of distress investing and reassured investors that keeping excess cash on hand and limiting assets to less than $3 billion would allow the fund to meet its financial obligations.

In July of 2014, the Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund reached $3.5 billion in assets, exceeding the limits set forth in the portfolio strategy. As investors began withdrawing their money the fund reportedly lost nearly 30% through December 9 of 2015.

Those who purchased shares of Third Avenue Focused Credit Fund (NASDAQ: TFCIX) have certain options and should contact the Shareholders Foundation.

Shareholders Foundation, Inc.
Michael Daniels
3111 Camino Del Rio North - Suite 423
92108 San Diego
Phone: +1-(858)-779-1554
Fax: +1-(858)-605-5739