G3 Development

Topeka Kansas Network Marketing Association (.NMA.International) News from Board Members Chris Esseltine and Wendel Smith: Reason #330 Is Professional Industry Protection


Topeka, KS -- (SBWIRE) -- 11/11/2016 -- The Network-Marketing-Association (NMA) is a Non-Profit Trade-Association: Bringing the Community together, Providing needed group-benefits, Protecting Their Member's Business and Improving Public Image. NMA's focus is advocating for the clients business. The NMA is dedicated to advocating for the rights of independent distributors, assisting and supporting them in building-successful-businesses, and improving the industry overall. NMA is a non-profit trade association engaged in a wide-range of activities to support the Industry, Distributors, and help Companies grow. NMA is dedicated to assisting with challenges common to all companies.

NMA Supports BOTH Network Marketing Companies and Distributors Equally.
801-999-8874, E-mail: contact@nma.international
Website: http://www.nma.international

Wendel Smith
VP, Network Marketing Association

The Network Marketing Association Helps with Disputes Between Partners: There are, and in the future there will continue to exist, a few 'bad apples' that haunt the industry and Network Marketing Community. It will take consistent, positive-messages and experiences in order to reverse this unfortunate misconception. Success in this area means greater retention of distributors who would otherwise leave a company, less disruption for distributors and their up-line/downline, and a more favorable-perception of the industry overall. NMA believes that the relationship between distributors and the companies is a true partnership: Neither can successfully accomplish their goals without the other.

NMA is Empowering the Community: It's no secret that the network marketing community is under-siege from short-sellers, media and biased watchdog critics. Due to the barrage of misinformation and blatant-lies from these organizations and critics, the public still confuses the network marketing community to be part of some "pyramids" or "get rich quick" schemes, without understanding the true positive economic-impact network marketing has on the general population. Sadly, in some cases, this negative-perception is a direct or indirect-result of unprofessional or unscrupulous-behavior on the part of a distributor or company. The NMA is here to spread the right message!

Topeka Kansas Network Marketing Association (.NMA.International) News from Board Members Chris Esseltine and Wendel Smith: Reason #330 is Professional Industry Protection

NMA is Educating and Empowering: The NMA is committed to providing additional-support to Network Marketers in order to assist them in building thriving-businesses and aid with professionalism and a higher-standard of ethics. NMA is not here to replace company or sponsor-training-programs but wants to enhance overall-education and business-acumen. NMA's business-professionals and coaches are not affiliated with any one company and will never be permitted to speak for-or-against any companies in the industry. Many of our professionals not only train some of the most successful companies/distributors in the world; they literally create the new-developments in building-and-leading independent network marketing businesses.

The Network Marketing Association will Innovate and Create: The NMA is helping improve the industry's reputation by teaching distributors how to be more professional by employing approaches used by Fortune 500 companies as wells as industry-leading success coaches. They are also launching local, regional, and national campaigns to change pubic perception of the industry.

NMA is Preparing Distributors: With large Universities expressing-interest in the NMA preparing-courses on Network Marketing (and other aspects of their industry) NMA will have the ability to mainstream-the-industry to new, bright-minds coming through the education-process. Imagine more energetic, educated, credible-people in the organization with a broader understanding of this professional business. Great leaders in this industry have talked about working full-time at their jobs while building-their-wealth part-time through Network Marketing. Some leaders actually did the exact opposite by jumping-in this industry as a professional-career. NMA believe their unique-approach to preparing distributors will create the best-leaders the industry has seen.

About NMA
NMA is A Non-Profit Trade Association: Bringing the Community together, Providing needed group benefits, Protecting Our Member's Business and Improving Public Image.