Tracking software company helps fleet managers find ways to reduce operation costs
Ancaster, ON -- (SBWIRE) -- 02/26/2014 -- According to a recent survey among more than 200 fleet company owners, 67 percent revealed a decrease in their operational budget. This leaves fleet managers fighting an uphill battle to balance waning funds against the soaring costs of fuel, maintenance and insurance. In an effort to help ease the burden, Trackem has launched the latest updates of their fleet management software.
Company spokesperson Don Fitzgerald explained, "While business owners can easily observe in-house employees to determine effective cost reduction methods, spending time riding along with each of their fleet drivers would not only be impractical; for those with large fleets, it would be impossible. Many are unaware of the numerous benefits of modern tracking software. With the options we offer, fleets can be tracked in real time, in order to determine problems and increase efficiency."
Fleet managers involved in the survey agreed almost unanimously their greatest challenges were fuel costs, keeping up with routine vehicle maintenance and questionable driver activity. Various devices available through Trackem are able to address all these issues. GPS capabilities allow business owners and fleet managers to track the circuit of each member of their fleet, making it possible to find shorter routes. This can help reduce fuel use as well as wear on vehicles. Lowest fuel prices along each driver's route can also be determined, helping to further reduce fuel related expenses.
Routine maintenance plays a key role in cutting expenses by reducing the risk of extensive malfunctions. Although maintenance and repairs are among the largest costs associated with operating a fleet, the price of prevention is much smaller than that of replacing an engine, transmission or entire vehicle. Tracking software reminds managers of scheduled maintenance appointments; furthermore, it sends alerts to those in charge if mechanical issues arise.
Whether deliberately or inadvertently, drivers are often the leading causes of company loss. With tracking software, managers are able to monitor driver activities, determining where each vehicle is at all times as well as the status of the vehicle. Once unproductive activity has been discovered, managers are able to alert their drivers of such problems and help them resolve the matter.
Should any driver be under suspicion, such software can allow business owners point out unscheduled stops, show real time proof of veering off course, and offer the driver the opportunity to improve. In the event a company vehicle is stolen, it can be tracked and often returned. Devices are also available to install in equipment other than vehicles. Both options can help prevent loss, which lowers the amount of funds allocated to vehicle and equipment replacement. Implementing such software may also provide eligibility for insurance discounts and reduced premiums.
Concluded Fitzgerald, "We offer simple OBD-II modems as well as more stealthy models for business owners who wish to keep their tracking efforts hidden. Company iPhone tracking plans are available, and we offer free device addition, which allows clients' service to grow along with their fleets. Additionally, we provide training to ensure clients get the maximum benefits from the tools we offer."
About Trackem
Offering numerous tracking software options, Trackem provides an array of tools for monitoring fleets and family members alike. The company provides tracking for vehicles and equipment as well as smartphone applications.