One of the most important components of Venus Factor is leptin, which makes the weight loss system even more unique than other fad diets.
Sydney, Australia -- (SBWIRE) -- 03/12/2014 -- One of the greatest challenges that many women face is excess weight. There are always new diets and plans coming out promising results. Unfortunately for many women, these plans are often not as effective for women as they are for men. This can lead to frustration and women giving up on a plan that has plateaued. The Venus Factor is different from all of these programs. It is designed specifically for women. It takes into account how the body of a woman functions and addresses how to create the ideal body shape.
The Venus Factor allows women to determine the proper waist and hip measurements for their height. Using height as the place to begin, women are told that 38% of it is the ideal size for their waist. That digit is then multiplied by 142% to determine the goal for their hips. For many women, these numbers may appear too challenging to obtain. However, with the Venus Factor it is entirely possible to reach and maintain these ideal proportions.
Leptin is a hormone found in the bodies of all people. It controls how well people burn fat. Lower levels of this hormone cause storage of body fat. Men tend to respond more readily to this hormone, even though women have more of it. With diet plans, the amount of this critical hormone that determines metabolism drops rapidly for women. This is why women frequently hit a weight loss plateau before men. To make matters even more challenging, the body of a woman stores more fat after having children. Biologically, this is to ensure that they are able to raise the next generation. Because of this, women often have a more difficult time losing weight after childbirth.
The Venus Factor program provides guidelines for eating that works to improve metabolism and provide all of the essential vitamins and minerals needed. Unlike fad diets, it helps to naturally shed the excess fat in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. The results are permanent if the women continue to follow the guidelines of it.
The other part of the program contains a great series of exercises designed to engage the muscles in these parts of the body. There are both videos and pictures that women can refer to in order to be certain they are doing them correctly. Though a challenge, these exercises only require three work outs per week to be effective.
The Venus Factor has been used by a diverse group of women successfully. Any woman who is basically healthy can implement the food and exercise program and find success. It does not matter how much a woman weighs or how active she is at the beginning. It is not a restrictive plan and can be used to lose unwanted pounds and shape the body. Women that have used the program are very pleased with how great they look and feel by utilizing the tools provided in it.
The Venus Factor Package is in the form of an eBook designed to fully explain the weight loss program for women. Nonetheless, the Venus Factor does not resemble any other dieting plan or quick weight loss program. This program ensures that the buyers will learn the different nutritional strategies that women should be aware of in order to lose weight in just 12 weeks. Buyers will learn another important point mentioned in the Venus Factor that there exist certain food sources standing against the process of losing weight, which includes processed food, soy based product and many more. These products do not assist in the formation of leptin and should better be avoided.