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Phoenix, AZ -- (SBWIRE) -- 01/14/2013 -- Every year hundreds and hundreds of startup founders, bloggers and digital marketing experts attend Traffic and Conversion summit to catch one thing which is, “What’s Working Now in Digital Marketing?”

Traffic and Conversion Summit 2013 is going to take place in San Francisco, Marriot Marquis. It provides a platform to share ideas and also helps to develop the skills of digital marketing plans for your entire business in a single weekend.

Well this is not an ordinary event, conference, boot camp or anything like that but you may have heard about it from the past. Traffic and Conversion Summit is held every year simply because it is different.

Why is it different? Here’s why:

1. It’s not the “Pitch Fest”, the events where speaker after speaker advertise their latest widgets.
2. It’s not the “multi-speaker” event. It will have specific speakers, partners and some close family members sharing from time to time.
3. It’s not a “weekend old, outdated info”. Traffic and Conversion Summit updates you with the recent happenings in the digital world.
4. It’s not the “Marketing 101” workshop. Our staff will be there to answer any of your questions.

“For me, things go so fast, trend changes but what would never change, are great friends and several relationships and that is what I look forward to. There will be lessons learned, deals made and a notebook for notes, I will call people to this event held on Saturday night,” with Damien Rufus looking forward to say hello.

This summit will be from 18th-20th January. It will be divided into a three day session and will cover all your future related answers. For further details you can visit

Ryan Deiss, who is the founder of and creator of the “Traffic and Conversions summit,” will be one of the speakers. He is a blogger, marketing professional and business owner. So, he can help a person to understand who you actually are and do what you want to do.

Another speaker Perry Belcher is considered the World’s greatest living conversion expert and one of the world’s best copywriters. He has sold products of billions of dollars, online. And now he spends most of his time in buying and selling companies. He is a mesmerizing speaker and a famous marketing agent.

About Damien Rufus and BizRocket:
Damien Rufus, an internet marketing expert and a video genius, is a founder of BizRocket LLC. BizRocket was started with the customer in mind. Damien Rufus is always looking to create an online presence for small to mid-size businesses.

Damien Rufus
BizRocket LLC
Phoenix, Arizona