Buckinghamshire, England -- (SBWIRE) -- 12/13/2012 -- Daylight savings time is the practice whereby clocks are put back one hour in the autumn and forward one hour in the spring. This is done in order to increase the amount of daylight available in the evenings. Almost all European and North American nations observe daylight savings time, along with a number of countries on other continents.
One daylight savings time related website that is getting a lot of attention recently is WhenDoTheClocksGoForward.com, an online resource designed to help people deal with the time shift changes that happen in the spring. This website has built a reputation for giving solid, reliable, and useful advice plus innovative tools regarding daylight savings time clock shifts.
The clocks move on different dates in different countries around the world, and WhenDoTheClocksGoForward.com contains a database of information about clock changes in every nation that observes daylight savings time. This includes countries on every continent.
The site also contains interesting editorial content about daylight savings time, including an informative article about the history of clock shifts and the reasoning behind changing the clocks every autumn and spring.
One of the most popular features of WhenDoTheClocksGoForward.com is an email reminder service that automatically reminds subscribers of clock changes. It informs subscribers of clock changes in both spring and winter every single year.
A spokesperson for the site said: “Daylight savings time is usually recognized as a helpful innovation which generally improves quality of life. It means that the leisure hours that most of us get to enjoy in summer evenings are in daylight. However, changing the clocks twice a year results in complications in timekeeping. Twice a year these clock shifts do cause small complications in people’s lives, whether they are late to work, have problems with travel, billing, record keeping or machinery. Our website is set up to help people account for these changes, and assist anyone asking themselves “when do the clocks change?” Visitors to our site can find out exactly when the clocks go forward, so as to avoid any issues with their own appointments or timekeeping.”
About WhenDoTheClocksGoForward.com
WhenDoTheClocksGoForward.com is a website set up to educate and inform the public about the clock shifts that happen every spring as a result of daylight savings time changes.
For more information please visit http://www.WhenDoTheClocksGoForward.com