Written by Robert Bernecker, ‘Who's Your Father?: Returning to the Love of the Biblical God’ both challenges and inspires readers to return to the high view of God held by great leaders of the faith in past years. This eye-opening new book is already resonating with readers around the world.
Waxahachie, TX -- (SBWIRE) -- 09/19/2013 -- While over four billion people currently put their faith in God’s word, each of these individual’s relationship with their loving Father can be distorted by incorrect beliefs or all-too-common misconceptions. However, a hugely-popular new book by Robert Bernecker is helping these Christians to re-evaluate their perceptions about God. By causing them to understand their Father in ways in which they never did before, their relationship with Him is inevitably enriched greatly!
‘Who's Your Father?: Returning to the Love of the Biblical God’ is as compelling as it is important. Composed with bold authority and heartfelt passion, Bernecker’s words are already enabling readers around the world to develop a new and unshakable confidence in their Father’s love.
This thought-provoking new book boldly challenges readers to reevaluate their perceptions of God, and it thoughtfully exposes many misconceptions that are commonly found in the church of our day. Readers are led into a deeper understanding of the real God of the Bible and shown the path to a new and immensely satisfying relationship with their loving Father. This compelling work is an eye-opening and inspirational examination of how today's church views God. As the church struggles to truly experience the unchanging love of our heavenly Father and to rest confidently in God's perfect purpose for each of our lives, the cause of this crucial deficiency is usually overlooked. Who's Your Father? explains how our concept of God has grown increasingly flawed, and it reveals how we have been taught to view our sovereign Father as a benevolent gentleman who won't interfere with human free will. By fostering this view, we've unknowingly created a weak, unreliable, and frustrated God who we falsely believe will only occasionally choose to use his divine power to actively work in our lives in a powerful and effective manner.
Writing from the down to earth perspective of a well-versed layperson, Bernecker skillfully shows how we rob ourselves of incredible blessings when we miss the vital connection between the unlimited sovereignty and the unbounded love of the true God of the Bible.
An illuminating look at the true nature of God and his dealings with mankind, this extraordinarily insightful book will change readers' lives across the globe.
As the author explains, his book is truly unique.
“The book is unique in that it invites the reader to return to the high view of God held by great leaders of the faith in past years. This heartfelt invitation is extended without using denominational pejoratives or divisive theological labels which inevitably evoke instant emotion and prejudice. As a result, readers are led into a new understanding of God's sovereignty,” says Bernecker, who has been a student of God’s word for most of his life.
Continuing, “It inevitably changes how people think about God; challenging common misconceptions and stereotypes, and pointing readers to how they can delight in living confidently in their Father’s indomitable love. It explores the inseparable connection between God's sovereignty and God's love, and it explains in detail how this vital link is missed in most of today's church.”
The book has attracted a consistent string of rave reviews. Kirkus Reviews commented, “Bernecker's points are well-researched and well-articulated, giving the reader a thought-provoking look at the modern definition of God.”
Reader MaryAnn was equally as impressed, adding, “I have read few books like this one that have had a deep impact in my life! God has a purpose in your life. There are so many nuggets of wisdom within the book that all point to building a relationship with God first and foremost.”
With the book’s popularity set to increase, interested readers are urged to purchase their copies as soon as possible.
‘Who's Your Father?: Returning to the Love of the Biblical God’ is available now: http://amzn.to/18y5imL.
About the Author: Robert Bernecker
Robert Bernecker is a layperson who has been a longtime student of God’s word. He recently retired after thirty years at the helm of a multi-million dollar company, where he often witnessed the undeniable hand of God in his life and business. Over the years, he has held virtually every position in the church—leading various ministries, teaching countless classes, and chairing numerous boards. As a ministry to the church, Bernecker has also operated a business of designing and installing audio video systems for churches. This business has given him the priceless opportunity to interact and worship with God’s people from many different denominations and backgrounds. As a result of this life spent thoroughly immersed in the church, Bernecker demonstrates a firm grasp of both the church’s teachings and the impact of those teachings on the lives of God’s people. Written from the unique perspective of a layperson, Bernecker’s debut book is meant to enlighten and bless all of God’s people.